Thursday, October 13, 2011

Take a Break...

Sometimes it's nice to take a break from editing hundreds of wedding photos to work on a project of your own.  I thought I would post a few portraits that I took on my own over the last couple years. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Megapixels Don't Matter

One of my favorite photographers, Chase Jarvis has a book out called "The Best Camera Is The One That's With You."  The idea being that you don't need a $3,000 DSLR to take interesting photos.  
This was a philosophy that while traveling as a student on a Michigan State University (Go Green!) study abroad trip I had to live by and, to quite an extent, still have to live by.  All the photos below were taken with a relatively inexpensive Panasonic point-n'-shoot camera.  They aren't Pulitzer material, but some are just slightly more interesting than your average snapshot. (One even got an honorable mention for the study abroad photo contest that year....oh yeah!)   

My equipment has since gotten slightly more sophisticated, but the philosophy still remains the same. Use whatever you've got and use it a lot.  If you want to make interesting pictures you have to start taking pictures in the first place.    

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ten Year Reunion: Traverse City West High School

It may be painful to admit, but I had the enjoyment of attending my Ten Year High School Reunion earlier this Summer.  To help out, I offered to photograph the event and got some fun images.  You can hire a photographer for any event.  It's a great way to fully to enjoy your event while someone else captures all the memories of it for you.  Especially the ones that may be a little foggy for you afterward or you may not even want to remember!  ;-) 
Oh, and thanks to Maria Hult and all the sponsors for putting it all together!

Take a look and see if there's anyone that you recognize. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Professional Photos Can Help Sell Your Home

In a previous post, we mentioned a recommendation from the Today Show, to invest a small amount in professional photographs to help sell your home.

With more people than ever researching new homes online, you may only have one chance to make a good5 impression.

Take a look at the photos below to see how professional photos can help show the size and personality of your home.

We've posted a few amateur photos as well so you can compare. The difference is noticeable.

Reach out to us directly or ask your realtor to contact us about rates and availability: You can see more photos at

A Standard Photo of the Kitchen

The Same Photo Taken by a Professional

A Standard Real Estate Photo

The Same Photo taken by a Professional